Hey, if you're here then I hope you were looking for me because this is clearly where you can find me online. I'm building things and sharing the journey...both the wins and the wobbles...in my newsletter. If you're curious about the human side of creating, join me there.
- I'm trying out something new with my Give and Take page.
- Help me find a new work opportunity!
- New Fork Your Company blog post about what all these companies we're building are really for?
- Another idea you should steal. This one's about resting with your hands and recharging by making.
Other Bits
- If you skied with me, head to /ski to share an update with me.
- What I'm up to /now
- Specifically, some of my projects and tools
- Longer posts are at a relaunched shiftMode
- Last, but not least, the nut bar recipe you need to try, change, adapt!