This is a /now page, inspired by Derek Sivers. You should consider making your own! I keep a more complete list of my recently active projects here.
Derek just wrote a new post about these pages.
I updated this page Sept 8, 2024.
Backyard Music
We've hosted live music in our backyard a few times now. After a few years hiatus for various backyard renos, we host Nathan Lawr last night and it was dreamy....
New Idea to Steal
Adding a first draft of coworking, without a physical office, idea for you to steal from me!
Building Fences....
20Skaters annual bootup
August is busy as our pickup hockey organizer are slowing receiving their contracts and schedules from their cities. Setting up a returning organizer still takes about 5 minutes of my time to flip switches.
I published my developing bookshelf to the main nav. I added a book cover image and link to more details through isbn, thanks to Open Library
The intent is that anytime I mention a book I've read to someone, I'm going to assume I may mention it again so I'll aim to put my highlights onto my bookshelf.
Taking The Summer Off
I'm starting something new this September. I decided to push the start date out tothe fall in order to have the rest of the summer off. I know fully understand why my teacher friends claim the summer is short....
I'm still interested in hearing about other interesting opportunities so contact me if you have anything.....