
This is a /now page, inspired by Derek Sivers. You should consider making your own! I keep a more complete list of my recently active projects here.

Derek just wrote a new post about these pages. I updated this page March 6th, 2025.

Give and Take

I believe in the power of giving before you receive. I try to offer something to people long before I come asking them for something.

I'm trying out a new Give and Take page where I will post something I think you may find valuable along with something I need your help with.

Don't take the take unless you're willing to give the give!

Ski With Brydon Experiment

I teach people to ski. Some days, if I'm working with groups, I could be meeting and introducing upwards of people to the sport. I was thinking it would be great to hear how the rest of their day, or trip, went.

I got some biz cards printed, with the link and a QR code on the back.

Interestingly, this is clearly a Fork that's not approved by my employer...yet

New Opportunity

I'm on the hunt for a new opportunity. If you're curious, you can find out more about what I'm searching for here.

Work With Guelph

We're several pop-up coworking events in. Now we're creeping up on a biz model and something worth growing?

If you're curious, subscribe at ThreeFortyNine to receive the formal event registration link.

You can read about it in GuelphToday.

Fork Your Company

I'm starting to build my conviction and confidence in Forks...which is good news..

I've been developing a framework based on a decade+ idea of mine. Checkout the early landing page at Fork Your Company

Next steps is to find a few pilot teams to work with.