
This is a /now page, inspired by Derek Sivers. You should consider making your own! I keep a more complete list of my recently active projects here.

Derek just wrote a new post about these pages.

I updated this page Oct 17, 2024.

Writing Online....Again

I haven't posted much online in years. I get stuck worrying about format, is it a book or a blog post or an email? Should I use wordpress, medium or substack? The clear answer to that last question is NO to all!

I need to write....that's all. Writing is thinking.

I've decided to reboot shiftMode for possible new, longer form posts. The first part of that is easy.

Yet Another Notes Approach

Yes, I just started testing out Obsidian Notes and I paid for it as well. It hasn't been very stable on my laptop and I really, really like VI so I worked with Chatgpt to build out a new approach, which I'm now testing.

I swapped Obsidian for a setup using Vim for editing, Syncthing to sync between devices, Git for version control, and Markor for mobile access. My notes sync seamlessly across devices, and I benefit from Vim’s flexibility, enhanced with plugins like Vimwiki and FZF. It’s a powerful, open-source alternative that gives me complete control over my workflow.

Update: I came across a recommendation by Joel for the book How To Take Smart Notes. While I've previously played with backlinks, I've never read any background methodology for them. I've only begun this book....but I wrote more today than I've written in previous weeks combined! I have this feeling I've been set free rather than feeling trapped by my own mind.

Update 2: I have a script which converts my csv book highlights into markdown for my bookshelf here. I've edited it to output two markdown files. One for the web (here), the other for my note tech stack. This means I can easily read through my highlighted sections of books and incorporate literally quotes into my writing!

Taking The Summer Off

I'm starting something new this September. I decided to push the start date out tothe fall in order to have the rest of the summer off. I know fully understand why my teacher friends claim the summer is short....

I'm still interested in hearing about other interesting opportunities so contact me if you have anything.....