Exponential Organizations

Why New Organizations Are Ten Times Better, Faster, and Cheaper Than Yours

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  • Location 508: linear organizations will rarely disrupt their own products or services. They haven’t the tools, the attitude or the perspective to do so.
  • Location 523: the flip side of size is flexibility.
  • Location 706: it moves the focal point of a team from internal politics to external impact.
  • Location 826: “If you build communities and you do things in public,” he says, “you don’t have to find the right people, they find you.”
  • Location 1158: most interfaces at ExOs. They are not taught at business schools, and there are no pundits talking about how to go about building them.
  • Location 1299: “Success is a lousy teacher.
  • Location 1304: “The biggest risk is not taking any risk.”
  • Location 1338: tinkering that allowed the Industrial Revolution.”
  • Location 1345: when you move from point A to point B, you can then see point C. But you can’t see point C from point A.
  • Location 1346: Personal Note: corridor principle
  • Location 1627: once you change the substrate from a material, mechanical basis to a digital and informational one, the match is lit for an inevitable explosion.
  • Location 1706: access will triumph over ownership.
  • Location 1726: “You have to disrupt yourself or others will do it for you.”
  • Location 1728: Marketing has increasingly become product innovation—i.e., a good product sells itself.
  • Location 1789: five-year plan is a suicidal practice for an ExO.
  • Location 1803: purpose trumps strategy and execution overrides planning.
  • Location 1817: adaptability and agility will increasingly eclipse size and scale.
  • Location 1861: for Rovio, Angry Birds was its 53rd game—the
  • Location 1903: Trust Beats Control and Open Beats Closed
  • Location 1920: Anything predictable has been or will be automated
  • Location 1945: we are hurtling towards a world of radical transparency—and being driven off the privacy cliff
  • Location 2014: In a disruptive world, smaller is better.
  • Location 2015: “Experts” tell you how something cannot be done.
  • Location 2135: What the world needs is people who have come alive.”
  • Location 2137: you must find your tennis ball—the thing that pulls you.”
  • Location 2148: “Work is love made visible.
  • Location 2168: if you get the community right, opportunities will arise.
  • Location 2174: Leadership interaction proves to be an accurate barometer of team dynamics, clarity, decisiveness and cognitive biases.
  • Location 2207: “Most entrepreneurs prefer failing conventionally rather than succeeding unconventionally.”
  • Location 2220: the key to success is relentless execution,
  • Location 2229: Entrepreneurial success rarely comes from the idea.
  • Location 2233: “Startups should be hunch-driven early on, and data-driven as they scale.”
  • Location 2285: “Software: free; the manual: $10,000.”
  • Location 2359: “Culture is what happens when the boss leaves.”
  • Location 2361: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”)
  • Location 2439: the greatest danger when building an Enterprise ExO is that the “immune system” of the parent company will come and attack it.
  • Location 2440: Personal Note: startupify and parent companies
  • Location 2448: Look for rebels.
  • Location 2452: ideas win arguments, not hierarchies.
  • Location 2453: Collaboration, discipline and trust are critical.”
  • Location 2622: Experimentation: “Bowling vs. Ping-Pong.”
  • Location 2635: it is possible to embed ExO principles into pre-existing organizations—and then literally explode their performance.
  • Location 2696: When it comes to established companies, every ExO solution is a custom creation.
  • Location 2746: “Companies may promote the idea of new business creation, [but] in the end they are all in the business of reducing risk and building to scale—which is, of course, the antithesis of entrepreneurship and new ventures.”
  • Location 2760: “If you are relying on innovation solely from within your company, you’re dead.”
  • Location 2784: The pace of adoption over the Internet far outruns the regulatory process.
  • Location 2844: imagination is much more important than experience.”
  • Location 3006: Move three proven changemakers in your enterprise to the edges of the organization
  • Location 3018: if you’re not disrupting yourself, someone else is;
  • Location 3041: Great ideas always come from crossing disparate areas.
  • Location 3058: “Give me 1 percent of R&D and 1 percent of your staff and I’ll return you 10x.”
  • Location 3198: “The most valuable compensation for working at a startup as opposed to a ‘normal job’ is a dramatically higher rate of learning (ROL).”
  • Location 3382: profit sharing and job rotation,
  • Location 3470: “If you’re competitor-focused, you have to wait until there is a competitor doing something.
  • Location 3724: Increasingly, the past cannot be extrapolated to the future.
  • Location 3727: “If you are relying on innovation solely from inside your organization, you are dead.”