Escape Rooms Roadshow

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I am not an escape room person. I've been to one or two, but it's not my personal deal, though I do think they're cool. I'll be honest, when my young daughter asked if she could go to an escape room for her birthday, I thought I was being punked. "You want me to take you and your teenage friends to a place where they lock you in a room you can't escape... for your birthday? Genius!"

Ok, back on track here...

Escape rooms are neat, but they require significant space and time to design and build. If there's an escape room in your city, enthusiasts often say, "Yeah, I like them a lot, but I've done all their rooms."

How can we ditch the fixed real estate costs while expanding the audience and getting much better returns on the biggest expense—time, costs, and energy to design and build a great escape room?

Solution: Mobile Escape Rooms in Shipping Containers

Imagine building escape rooms in shipping containers, allowing you to move them easily, like carnival rides. You can set them up in parking lots or other temporary spaces. Run them at one location for a few weeks, then pack up and head to the next location.


  • Reduced Fixed Costs: By using shipping containers, you eliminate the need for permanent real estate.
  • Expanded Audience: You can reach more people by moving to different locations.
  • Maximized Returns: By relocating frequently, you get more mileage out of each escape room design, reaching new customers in each city.

Marketing and Sales Strategy:

  • Build a Schedule: Plan your route and get to work online to ideally sell out in each city before you even unpack.
  • Leverage Testimonials: Use social proof from previous cities to drive sales in upcoming locations.

Bonus Idea: Celebrity Collaborations Collaborate on the actual designs with celebrities. Release videos of the design process to generate buzz. Imagine people lining up to try out the Bieber escape room while it's in their city.

This mobile escape room concept not only offers flexibility and cost savings but also creates a unique marketing edge, making it a compelling business model for an escape room junkie.

Who wants this one?!