
This is a partially completed list of tools in my life that I rely on, enjoy, use often. It's far from complete, it's more of a 'when I think of it' list. Or when someone pokes me to add one.


  • VI:Vi IMproved version 9.0.x
  • bash: GNU bash, version 5.2.x. A shell is the gateway into a computer, or it was in my generation. Send me your bash_history and I can immediately have a sense of your skills and what sort of developer you are.
  • Linux: 'Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)'. My early days were spent in Fedora but the variant I have the most experience in would be Ubuntu.
  • Hardware: Google Pixelbook which I've used as my full time machine for almost a decade now. I'm literally writing this in VI within it's linux env. It's finally slowing down but I want a proper replacement for it....
  • For web stuff, I'm busy moving all my small sites to Pelican right now, which is a static site generator written in Python.
  • For note taking, I've replaced Obsidian with a setup using Vim for editing, Syncthing to sync between devices, Git for version control, and Markor for mobile access. My notes sync seamlessly across devices, and I'm now able to create notes in Vi, enhanced with plugins like Vimwiki and FZF.

Wood And Stuff

  • Don't tell my contractor buddies but I love my overpriced Pica pencil and marker.
  • My tracksaw which I designed and built.
  • A couple of decades ago I purchased a Veritas workbench from Lee Valley. It was a big leap to buy at the time but it's been my second set of hands on every project.